You don't know about the Honey Deuce?? How could you be so uncultured?? I'm kidding, obviously, because I didn't know what it was until I saw 200 people walking around and drinking them. Being a craft beer blogger and never seeing a full tennis match in my life, I wasn't caught up on the US Open culture and spirits offerings. I've been baptized by fire into the tennis community.
Despite my lack of tennis court and culture knowledge, I couldn’t leave the US Open without putting the famous Honey Deuce to an ABA taste test. The Honey Deuce is a mixture of Grey Goose, Chambord, and lemonade. As someone who worked at Edible Arrangements for five years, I appreciate the art of fruit so the honeydew balls were a wonderful creative choice. How was the drink? I think it’s obvious, but it’s overrated. It’s $20 and lacks the punch that I like in my liquor drinks. I like when my vodka or Jameson hits hard and warms the heart. I can understand how that works at a hockey game, but is frowned upon under the lights of Arthur Ashe. However, the commemorative cup will live forever in my cabinet and I like a good souvenir. (But I've been warned that it cracks in the dishwasher so all my fellow pint collectors - beware.)
First US Open? 10/10 experience. Honey Deuce? Ehh I’ve had better.
PS - Shoutout to Taylor Fritz for being the reason I got to experience both.